Hello, reader.
My name is Brian Mannell. A comic writer and the creator of this Substack for my comic brand name.
(Logo created by the talented Adam Fields; Animation by me)
Fractured Heart is a name that came to me, through the idea of embracing the imperfections of ourselves. I find beauty in the broken and the scarred, not in living solely within them but in acknowledging their presence and adapting with them in order to move forward. I’d like to think the passion I have for the stories I create, will help reflect the fractures we may have within ourselves, and learn that we are more than the shadows created from them. Shadows such as, in my case, reflecting forms of self-hatred and unhappiness about who I am, that grew from a past where I had many terrible thoughts and imagery in my head that made me internally angry at myself. Writing and connecting with others, really helped me through those times.
In times of anxiety and stress, we must lean into art and lean into friends and family. We must be vulnerable, if not to others, then to yourself. We cannot self-destruct.
Of course, it won't solve everything alone. It's a part of it, but I think it's no less important.
Starting a Substack for the first time, I would like to keep it simple. So, for now, you will find updates around my projects in production, ranging from work in progress, to more general updates (you may even have some sneak peaks of art. o.o).
Eventually I would like to expand myself with writing features of other comic creators and their work, while creating some exclusive content that includes giveaways and promotional deals for subscribers.
But that’s getting ahead of myself.
To help kick this off, please enjoy a sample of comic pages from two projects I currently have in production: The Wretched, and The Forgotten Isle. I will go more into detail for both projects in the future.
The Wretched
Story: A dark fantasy, horror-drama, set within the decaying world of Rhomheim. Creations of a mad scientist called Amalgams are sent to kidnap humans at their master’s behest for more experimentation. But while they are as playful as they are cruel, they must confront new and difficult emotions that force them to struggle with self-discovery and vulnerability, bringing them dangerously close to what they hate most: Being human.
(Link to Kickstarter landing page for more info)
(Art by Adam Fields, Colors by Mariam Yasser, Letters by Es Kay)
The Forgotten Isle
Story: A surreal fantasy, told through pages meant to feel like wordless paintings. It follows a nameless Being at the end of their journey, within a world believed to be abandoned by Gods they once worshipped, to offer a spiritual flower to a burning tree and achieve ascension.
(Digital watercolor art by Marlon Felipe Ruiz)
Two very different projects, eh?
If you’d like to follow me on this journey, I look forward to having you on-board. Subscribing is free, if you would like to follow updates for these projects along the way.
Thank you, sincerely, for your interest in my stories.